Technical Support

Our 24/7 technical support service will help you troubleshoot any IT problems your employees may have. Currently it supports more than 5000 customers across Poland.

You will get one telephone number where your employees will be able to report any IT infrastructure problem, and we will either solve it, or direct them to the right place.

Our offering allows you to systematize all communication between users and the IT department of your company. At the same time we relieve your IT staff of the need to collect and identify users’ problems. Simpler problems are solved by our operators on the spot, and problems identified as more serious will go to the right people – in either our or your organization.

Each client receives access to our application registration system, where you can monitor progress in solving problems reported, with a full change history.

We have also implemented an automatic monitoring system for customers’ networks. This allows us to respond spontaneously to a problem within several seconds of its occurrence, without notification to the support line.

In addition, our company plans to launch a property maintenance support service for our long-term customers, to facilitate the handling of a broad range of problems in the organization. This will enable employees to report all problems (including those related to non-IT devices and real estate) to a single phone number, from which these problems will be forwarded to the appropriate units.